On the Path to Progress! Anganwadi Champions Shine through Training at Bastar, Chhattisgarh under Mission Utkarsh

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Building Bonds! Anganwadi Workers’ Inspiring Work under Mission Utkarsh to monitor Key Performance Indicators at Dholpur, Rajasthan

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Marvelous Achievement! All AWWs and AWHs are trained for Poshan Tracker in Chandigarh.

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Empowering Our Frontline Heroes through Training Sessions in various Projects of Haryana

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Community Builders: Anganwadi Workers in Focus under Mission Utkarsh in Hubbali, Koppal

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Anganwadi Centre Visit and Training of AWWs at Singrijan C AWC, Nagaland

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Anganwadi’s Impact! Training and Visit in Pictures at Vistipara in Dhanbad, Jharkhand

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Bringing Change, One Child at a Time!! Anganwadi Worker’s training sessions at Rai Bareli, Uttar Pradesh

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AWWs Training Session at Koppal, Karnataka to monitor Key Performance Indicators

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